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Wednesday, April 24, 2024, #077 (5638)

European Parliament Draft Resolution Raises Concerns Over Georgian Draft Law

Members of the European Parliament have voiced strong opposition to a draft law proposed by Georgia's ruling party Georgian Dream. (more)

Mamuka Mdinaradze Condemns Potential EU Sanctions Against Georgian Lawmakers

The leader of the parliamentary majority Mamuka Mdinaradze expressed his frustration regarding the EU's potential sanctioning of those Georgian officials drafting the law. (more)

The News in Brief

"MEP Petras Austrevicius Calls for Sanctions Against Georgian Officials for Detaining Protesters" (more)

Opinion & Analysis

Georgian Government's 'Transparency' Draft Law Draws Acute Protests at Home and Reaction Abroad

"Very polarised" - this is how local and foreign experts assessed the situation in Georgia in recent years. Today, polarisation in Georgia has reached its peak. (more)

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